Create the life you really want.

You want to live your best life
Maybe you’re dreaming of a more fulfilling career, or starting your own business. You just want to find the confidence to go after the life you really want.
But many of us feel STUCK. Making change is hard. The things we most want can feel beyond our reach. And yet deep down, there’s still a desire for more, for a better life.
You’ve got that feeling in the pit of your stomach that somehow there’s more, but it’s just beyond your reach.
Change is hard, and feeling STUCK can just make any steps forward that much harder.
Is this you?
I worry that…
I don’t have the confidence
Many of my clients come to me because they feel unable to take the steps they need to due to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in their abilities.
I’m falling behind
We all do it – compare ourselves to others to take stock of where we are in life. And it’s hard to see everyone around us moving forwards whilst we feel like we’re not progressing.
I don’t know where to start
We know we want a better life, but getting started feels overwhelming, and we don’t have that 100% clarity on what to do that we want. So we procrastinate and freeze up.

Let me share
How I navigated this
When I turned 29 I panicked, because I wasn’t living the life I thought I should be by the time I was 30. I suddenly realised that I was NOT on track to get there, and this terrified me. I desperately wanted to be successfully adulting, but somehow wasn’t achieving the goals that I felt I should be chasing.
After getting it all wrong (quite disastrously!) I began learning as much as I could – about motivation, how to set and achieve goals, and how to gain confidence.
I knew I needed a different approach. As a professional Project Manager, I decided to take a project-based approach for myself, and created Project: Me!
Using a project-based methodology, I was able to create the business I wanted, meet my perfect partner, and get my physical and mental health to where I wanted them to be. I became the designer of my life and created the life I wanted!
Today I have the privelege of working directly with clients to walk them through the same process, so that they can make the changes they need to in order to successfully create the life they really want.
The Process
Project: YOU!
Create The Life You Really Want
There are 3 foundational pillars underpinning the 6-step process, which are grounded in science and research:
You need to get started with building the life you really want, and you’ll need to maintain the motivation to keep going with it until you get to your goals. So the process is designed with this in mind – to give you the regular hits of dopamine that will keep you moving.
Where does confidence come from, how do we overcome self-limiting beliefs, quit negative cycles of worrying, address our fears and find the courage to take the steps we need to? And how do we deal with problems that come up along the way? The online course addresses all of these elements.
Getting you onto the right path that gives the best chance of success in achieving your goals. The process has been designed taking into account the latest science and research which explains why some people never achieve their goals, whilst others successfully deliver.

What’s included
In the online course
1. Video course modules
You’ll get immediate access for 12 months to the online video course once you sign up. The videos are 4-20 minutes, and you can work through them at a pace which suits you.
2. PDF workbook
Once enrolled on the course, you’ll receive the PDF workbook, which gives you all the templates you’ll need for the exercises contained in the online course.
3. Live sessions
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive invites to join the online group live sessions. You can submit questions for discussion and get advice from Deborah directly.

A life where you can…
Get the career you want
- Take the next step in your career
- Find more purpose-driven work
- Start that side hustle!
Gain confidence
- Improve your self esteem
- Align your actions to your values
- Stop letting fear rule you
Be happier
- Feel more connected
- Have more love in your life
- Do more of what brings you joy
Improve physical health
- Increase strength and fitness
- Put the right weekly routines in place
- Sort out your diet once and for all
Improve mental health
- Stop unhelpful cycles of worry
- Learn how to manage stress & anxiety
- Create the right daily routine for you
Take that big step
- Move overseas
- Start the degree
- Find love!
Create the Life You Want for £197
Currently available for a limited time at the special price of £197.

Now meet me!
I’m a trained NLP Practioner, Coach and Mentor.
I’ve spent 20+ years working in corporate environments before re-training in this field.
I help people to follow the right processes in order to achieve their goals and get to where they want to go, whether as part of a corporate team I’m working with, or as a one-to-one client.
I genuinely love supporting people in making the changes that are meaningful to them in their life.
In the corporate world I work with people in large multinational companies – household names such as BT, Dyson and Specsavers as well as large public sector organisations such as the UK Government.
I’ve also been a Director of 3 small businesses.
Whether working with individuals or large corporations, I love to bring structure and order to difficult things!
Create the Life You Want for just £197
Currently available for a limited time only at the special price of £197.
Create the Life You Really Want
If you’re still unsure whether this course is right for you, or you feel you may prefer to work through the process with me as your coach working one-to-one with you, then book a free 30 min call with me – see my contact page.